How Do You Make Your Ayahuasca Retreat Experience An Amazing One?


If you are about to go for an Ayahuasca retreat Cancun, you have definitely landed at the right place. You may have already heard a lot of stories about Ayahuasca retreats and you may also have heard people talking about their unpleasant experiences of the retreat. However, you must keep in mind that Ayahuasca does not affect everyone in the same way. 


Different people get affected differently depending on their body physiology, their current state of mind and what they need to learn in that moment. However, there are quite a few ways by which you will be able to prepare yourself for the experience. You will also be able to ensure that your experience is a fruitful one. So, here we have come up with a few tips and tricks that will help you to get a really good experience during your Ayahuasca retreat:


Find a Trusted Shaman: 


The first thing that you need to do if you find a really trusted shaman for your Ayahuasca retreat. In that way, you will be able to feel safe in his presence. A safe space and a ceremonial frame are absolutely necessary for an ayahuasca experience. There are a lot of charlatans out there, so ask about the size of the group. Avoid big groups because the facilitator is not capable to be there for everyone in a big group. A real shaman humble and don’t do it just for money. Ask about the intention and the diet. The diet is a very important part of the ceremony. If your shaman takes it too seriously, you know how much he really cares about you.


The Ceremony Should Take Place At a Desirable Location


There are a lot of people who will tell you that it does not matter where exactly the ceremony takes place. However, the reality is not the same. The location does matter a lot. You need to have your Ayahuasca retreat in one such place that is calm and quiet. This is going to give you a really good experience. 


If you have people shouting and running all around the place, then it is going to make you feel distorted and you are not going to get a gentle experience. Imagine, you are opening dimensions and you can perceive all the frequencies around you much stronger. You are totally exposed to the frequencies around. So, it is beautiful to have nature around with its harmonizing sounds of insects and birds and the wind. So, you should carefully check out the location and then choose to go for the retreat.


Set The Right Expectations: 


You should know exactly what you expect from your Ayahuasca ceremony. The intention is a very important part when it comes to reveal the messages you need to receive in that particular point of your life. Make sure that you are well aware of the various effects of the Ayahuasca plant medicine. Also, it is recommended to go only to an ayahuasca retreat when you feel an inner call to connect with this medicine. A clear ‘yes’ reduces doubts and helps you to surrender during the experience.


And this is how you can enhance the experience of your Ayahuasca retreat. To know more about the Ayahuasca retreat Playa del Carmen, you may get in touch with us and we will provide you with all the details regarding the same.

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