How Toenail Laser Treatment Works


Toenail fungi infection can be alarming, and finding a suitable mode of treatment can be challenging at times. You might have tried several over-the-counter medicines, but nothing has worked. You might have also tried home remedies, and nothing seems to work, which may lead to frustration, and you may lose hope that your infection might never end. Well, you should stop worrying because technology has brought about a unique method to deal with fungal infections, and it’s known as laser treatment for fungal nail infection. This particular treatment has had positive remarks since it started being used, and it’s very effective. If you cannot afford the laser treatment, you could opt for anti fungal toenail treatment, but it doesn’t have the same long-term effect as the laser treatment.

How toenail fungus treatment works

As the name suggests, the treatments use lasers which do away with the fungus that attacks the organisms under the nail without hitting the skin and tissue. The light used in this treatment can also be used to penetrate through the toenail so that it can reach the fungus. Before the procedure starts, the technician might file your nail so that they can prepare the area for your laser. If you have any nail polish, you should remove it before your appointment. The procedure usually is not painful, but you might feel a tingling sensation during the procedure.

Once the toenail procedure is complete, most patients grow their nails once again without hitting any surrounding tissue. Moreover, the laser treatment prevents fungi from spreading, and it also reduces the irritation and distress associated with the infection.  The treatment typically takes six months to a year before your nail returns to its normal appearance, but this is not the case for all patients. Some patients only need one treatment, and their nail grows back.

When you notice that you are starting to develop toenail fungi, get treated as early as you can because the fungus usually spreads very fast. In case you have diabetes, you are at a higher risk of contracting health issues that occur from untreated toenail fungus.

Symptoms of fungal infections

Some common symptoms are linked to foot fungal infection, and some are; your nail becomes clotted, stained, brittle, rotted, misshapen and odorous. This symptom can also be present in your fingernails but mainly fungus infections affect the toenails. In case the symptoms start to persist, you will have to contact your doctor with immediate effect so that the fungus doesn’t end up spreading. If you start bleeding, swelling or start finding it hard to walk you will have to talk to your doctor immediately because these might be severe issues that need immediate help.


We have seen that the most effective method that can deal with toenail fungus is laser treatment. When your doctor asks you to get this treatment, you need to ask them about the laser fungal nail  treatment cost before you start your treatment. This will help you save up for the entire treatment.

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